We are just finishing up Date #19, several months into our 5th year of this
LAT - Living Apart Together relationship. Looking back here is a poem Maggie was inspired to write on the 5-year anniversary of Date #1. Enjoy and look for more posts soon!
You tiptoed into my life on the wings
Of an angel who calls me her American mom
Unobtrusively peeking into conversations
I had no idea that you were of any consequence to me
You certainly didn’t need me in your life
In those early drops of connection
And I was fine with a fullness
That makes my life complete
What would have been the consequence
Had you made it to her wedding?
The invisible curators of our lives made sure we did not meet
The time for us was not ripe
You whose warmth I reach for every night
You whose heart I hold when you are far away
Not just a passing in the night
You arrived at just the right time and place
You were there for days and meals and talks and walks
All virgin land for both of us
Fresh and clear we prepared for this new adventure
To where we did not know
Oh, the sights and sounds and tastes and touches
of our times together
The laughs and questions, challenges and miracles
Streaming through this life called you and me
Miracles of time and place, of planes and games
The chess of life
We play it well.
And if they ask, I will tell
You, my friend, my love, my joy,
You are the frosting on the cake of life, plus the cherry on the top!
By Maggie Burgisser for Jan 1-18-2024
