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Be You

Once a month, the Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild has an event called 'Art in the AM.' Three artists of any mode offer a piece of their work, and then three writers per piece offer their interpretation, nine writers in total. Hearing the various responses to the same piece is fascinating and stimulating. Then, our talented musician, Stuart Vining, sings a song he has selected that the art reminds him of. So, for September, I chose to write about this photograph by professional nature photographer Sharon Denny. She got this photo from her home after very quietly removing the window screen and shooting the three kits until it started to rain, and a determined Mama showed up to get the kits home. Jan and I both have our highly focused pet projects and sometimes have to wait much longer between dates than we wish, so you can appreciate the connection.

Be You

You are not ONLY looking at a mama fox and her kits. There’s an energy field she created that you are part of. You see her focus. You feel her intent. No distractions. No misunderstandings. She is clear.


I know that stance.  The power that comes from your gut and follows every nerve and signaling system in your body... your will...your heart; ...the power that announces to the world and beyond, “Hurt my baby, I will tear you apart and bring hell to your world.”


Many of you, most of you here, are writers, painters, or maybe sculptors or have another passion. I have a question for you. Do you protect your passion, your creation, with this kind of fierce identity? We humans are creators, we can’t help it.  We can mis-create with mindless thinking and sloppy habits; or not pay ANY attention to what we are doing, and ‘default create’. But, that what YOU really want?


How are YOU intimidating distractions from your heart’s desire? Your passion?


Is it the laundry? The grandkids? The volunteer work? Shopping? Television? Maybe that rabbit hole of thinking, “It’s just a hobby and not really important.” Or thinking, “I’m not really that good anyway.”  Or my big one, “Nobody really cares.”


I invite you to focus every fiber of your being on your creative expression. Like our mama fox, with piercing eyes and all senses on alert moving forward, protecting that baby, that project, that thing that shares with all of us and everything, what you are, who you are. Uniquely.  That part of you, that you alone can create for all the universe, for all that is to be greater and grander than it was before, before you did... before you DO,  that thing you do!

Written by Maggie Burgisser, September 2024






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